Curriculum and Staffing
The aim of the Waingels Media Department is to equip students with the knowledge and skills to understand how we interact with a variety of media formats. With a strong focus on the practical skills required to create original media products, Media Studies has been a popular choice for students at KS4 & 5. We encourage our students to develop their analytical skills and question the messages we receive through mainstream media.
Some of the key themes covered in Media Studies at GCSE include film, TV drama, magazines, press and video games as well as theoretical aspects such as ‘Representation in the Media’.
Key Stage 5 Media Studies is designed to prepare students with the practical knowledge required to pursue Media Production in further education or as a career choice. All units will be linked to real industry practises.
Years 7, 8 and 9
*Media Studies is not taught in Year 7 or 8.
The subject is however offered as a Creative Arts option for Year 9. This 1-year course gives students the opportunity to develop their understanding of the foundation concepts that make up Media Studies at Key Stage 4 and 5. This will involve students taking on the task of researching, planning and creating original media products in a range of different formats. This includes magazine, advertising and film production. Students will have the opportunity to create their outcomes using industry standard software in our dedicated Media Mac suite.
Years 10 & 11
Course specification: https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/gcse/media-studies-j200-from-2017/
Media Studies is offered to all students as an option for GCSE. It is important that students understand that this is not a ‘soft’ subject. New exam board specifications have reinvented the subject with its content firmly anchored in the academic arena at this level. Students will develop understanding of a range of theoretical concepts that will be applied to a range of real world media texts. There will be many opportunities for students to apply these concepts in their own practical outcomes.
Assessment: September 2017 sees the new Media Studies specifications being delivered nationwide. The coursework element of the course makes up 30% of the GCSE. The remaining 70% is externally assessed in the form of two exams.
Careers & Future Study
Media Studies offers students the opportunity to access a wide range of careers and higher education routes. Career paths of past students of Media Studies have included:
- Film and TV Production
- Journalism
- Publishing
- Graphic Design
- Marketing
Higher education paths can include:
- Media Studies A-Level/Btec Level 3
- Media and Film production degree/HND
- Photography A-Level
- Graphics A-Level
- English
Sixth Form
Examination Board: OCR https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/as-and-a-level/media-studies-h009-h409-from-2017/
A-Level Media Studies is offered to students at Key Stage 5. Although having studied Media Studies at GCSE is desirable, it is not essential as all skills will be covered as part of the subject’s transition period. However, an interest and curiosity about different forms of media is a vital foundation to the course. The A-Level is a fantastic opportunity for students to extend their knowledge and understanding in the subject and take steps towards a career in this creative industry. Units involved in the course include a focus on media representation, media language, media audience and the media industry.
Career paths of past students of Media Studies have included:
- Film and TV Production
- Journalism
- Publishing
- Graphic Design
- Marketing
Higher education paths can include:
- Media and Film production degree/Apprenticeship
- Magazine Publishing Degree/ Apprenticeship
PR/Marketing and business degree/ Apprenticeship
Subject Leader: Mr J Reynolds
Knowledge Organisers
Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4