Year 6 to Year 7 Transition

Year 6 to 7 Transition Timeline 2024

Tuesday 14th May 2024 Year 6 Welcome Event
Monday 24th June 2024 SEND Transition Day
Tuesday 25th June 2024 SEND Transition Day
Wednesday 26th June 2024 Year 6 Transition Day
Monday 29th July - Friday 2nd August 2024 Summer School

*More details about these events can be found further down this webpage

Information/ Documentation

Year 6 Transition Day Letter: 21.06.2024

Year 6 Welcome Booklet

Year 6 Welcome Letter

Year 6 Welcome Presentation: 14.05.2024

Year 6 Welcome Event Letter: 03.05.2024

Guidance for Completeing the Online Data Collection Form

Travel Expectations Agreement 2024/2025

Student Code of Conduct for Online Teams Meetings 2024/2025

Waingels Ready Agreement

Virtual Tour

Please click the image to view our virtual tour

Virtual Tour Image

At Waingels we are committed to providing the best transition possible for Year 7 students. We actively try to ensure that students are more familiar with our staff and school before they start here and that from their first day they are proud to be part of our community. To ensure the smoothest transition from primary to secondary school we have a team that work to support students and their families. The team works closely with our local primary schools and has become a specialist in the transition process. Where possible students will have the same Form Tutor and Head of Year throughout their time at Waingels. The Tutor is a student’s first contact every day and is there to support and nurture students on their journey.

As a school at the heart of our community we are committed to supporting primary to secondary transition for all students in our feeder primary schools. We are fortunate to be able to offer events through out the year in which Primary schools take part in activities at Waingels which helps students to become familiar with the school and our staff.

IMG 6647Once you have chosen Waingels as your school and have been allocated a place then we start our Year 6 to 7 transition process.  Please see below the details of our 2024/2025 Transition Programme:



Our Planned Programme
Welcome Letter and Key Information -  End of March/Start of April

Year 6 Welcome Evening Event – Tuesday 14th May

Parents and Year 6 students are invited to attend a talk at Waingels where we share important information and there is an opportunity to meet the Headteacher, Head of Year 7 and some other senior leaders.

Waingels Transition Team Member Visits all Students at their Primary School

With the exception of some students that are moving from outside the area or abroad a member of our transition team visits every student in their primary school and talks to them about the Waingels values and what they can expect when they start at Waingels. These visits will take place in May and June. 

SEND Team School Visits

The SENCo visits all of our feeder schools and talks to their relevant staff about the needs of students that will be joining us. These visits will take place in May/ June. 

Safeguarding School Visits

Our safeguarding lead visits all our feeder schools and talks to their relevant staff about the needs of the students and families that will be joining our community. These visits will take place in May/ June. 

Transition Day – Wednesday 26th June 2024

  • Students will get to meet other students in their tutor group.
  • Students will have a treasure hunt around the school to help them get to know the buildings and an opportunity to experience some lessons.
  • Students have an opportunity to experience some taster lessons and learn more about the Waingels values.

SEND Transition Day

An additional day for SEND and vulnerable students. They get to meet the staff in The Den and familiarise themselves with The Den; getting time to spend in the chill out zone and learning spaces. These are provisionally Monday 24th June 2024 or Tuesday 25th June 2024 and are by invitation only. 

Waingels Passport

A range of activities that students are encouraged to complete over the summer holidays that introduce our values.


To stay true to our school motto Better Never Stops theIMG 6575 support for our students doesn't stop. Throughout their time here, students will have other transition periods and we will endeavour to support them at these stages with as much care and attention as we do when they start here in Year 7. Below are a few examples:

  • Students in Year 8 are given an opportunity to choose their Arts and Performing Arts subjects which they will specialise in during Year 9. Students are supported in making their choices with advice and guidance from teachers, assemblies for students, a comprehensive options booklet and a parents’ information evening. 
  • In Year 9 students have to make the very difficult decisions regarding their GCSE option subjects. This is supported with an information evening about the subjects, assemblies by all options subjects and a parents’ evening. 
  • Careers advice and guidance is incredibly important and as a result we provide lots of opportunities for students to attend careers fairs, Year 7 students will take part in an enterprise day in November and complete a skills passport during National Enterprise Week. For more about Careers and Enterprise education at Waingels click here
  • Students have to do more exams than ever before. We know how important it is for us to support students by making sure they are prepared with the skills and resilience needed to be successful. We offer after-school clinics for all core subjects and provide other revision support in the holidays and at weekends. We also offer support and counselling for any students that suffer with anxiety or stress in the run up to the exams.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Waingels Transition Team (

To view Waingels admissions arrangements for the academic year, please click here.

Further support is available to ease the transition process for individual students. Please see the Inclusion and Intervention page or email directly.


Follow Us
@WaingelsCollege - July 11
We are really pleased to announce that our new Waingels PE Kit can now be purchased from Stevensons: Kit will be available in the Reading branch to try on/purchase from 5th August.— Waingels () July 11, 2024
@WaingelsCollege - July 10
Gorgeous afternoon at West Wittering with the Year 12 Geographers collecting beach profiles, measuring groyne drops and sand dune succession 🌞- Miss Heard— Waingels Geography () July 10, 2024
@WaingelsCollege - July 10
Year 12 students have been working hard on their residential in Brighton this week. On our way to West Wittering for some more coastal fieldwork 🌞🌊— Waingels Geography () July 10, 2024
@WaingelsCollege - July 10
A reminder to our Waingels Community that tomorrow is our annual Summer Art Exhibition. We hope to see lots of your there!— Waingels () July 10, 2024
@WaingelsCollege - July 9
Well done to Sophia in Year 9 who wrote a lovely article about the Waingels Careers Fair. have published it in their online paper- you can view it here— Waingels () July 9, 2024
@WaingelsCollege - July 8
It may not be part of her therapy dog training but this weekend Winnie went for her first swim! She looked like a little otter in the water! She also brought the Humber family a lot of joy❤️ !— Waingels () July 8, 2024
@WaingelsCollege - July 5
Happy Friday everyone! Please see our weekly Online Safety Guide below... Interactive links can be viewed here— Waingels () July 5, 2024
@WaingelsCollege - July 4
"The one where there was a silent disco"...Year 13 students celebrated in style at their end of year Prom last night! A fabulous night. Congratulations all 🎉The full array of photographs can be viewed here— Waingels () July 4, 2024