Food Preparation & Nutrition
Curriculum and Staffing
Food Preparation & Nutrition is a reformed subject and is essential to prepare pupils for adult life as it equips them with an array of culinary techniques, a knowledge of nutrition and healthy eating, food traditions, culture and food safety. Food & Nutrition is oriented towards a full understanding of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how to prepare recipes to fulfil different dietary needs. Pupils also learn about the provenance of food, while investigating food science and function of ingredients. Pupils build on their skill and knowledge from Key Stage 3 up until Key Stage 4 and learn to prepare and cook a range of dishes with a variety of skills while improving their confidence and independence in the kitchen.
Years 7, 8 and 9
Throughout Year 7 & 8, pupils experience lessons in Food Preparation & Nutrition, over the academic year, one lesson per fortnight. Pupils focus on developing their knowledge and understanding on Nutrition and healthy eating, learning where food comes from, as well as learning about Food Science and the future of food whilst developing their practical skills.
In Year 9, pupils will build upon their knowledge of nutrition from Year 7 and 8, and develop a deeper understanding of the functions of nutrients and how they interact with each other. Pupils will consider a range of specialist diets that other may follow, including for health, religious, ethical or social reasons. They will start to understand the key processes that ingredients undergo upon cooking, starting to build their Food Science vocabulary.
Years 10 & 11
GCSE: Food Preparation & Nutrition.
This is taught through a combination of practical and theory lessons during Year 10 and then completing the Non-Examination Assessments (NEAs) in Year 11 and then finally food practical exams towards the end of the course. This Subject lends itself very closely with Science and Physical Education and has very strong cross curriculum links.
This course equips learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating, food science, food provenance while also focusing on the modern presentation of food. These subject enables pupils’ to be able to make informed decisions about food and nutrition in which the aim is to develop pupils' food knowledge so they can feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously, both now and later in life.
Careers & Future Study
The food industry is always looking for a range of candidates to fill a wide variety of roles. These include:
- Farmer
- Research scientist
- Buyer
- Chef
- Development scientist
- Environmental health
- Nutritionist / Dietician
- Food marketing
- Food photography
- Butcher
- Food Technologist
- Quality Manager
- Sensory scientist
Extra Curricular Activities
Pupils have the opportunity to join Cooking club which takes place after school, currently on a Tuesday. Pupils work with the Subject Leader to agree on a recipe that will be cooked in the following session.
There have been a variety of cake sales and competitions which pupils can take part in. Guest judges are invited into school to select winners.
We also have a range of guest speakers from the Food Industry into lessons, including chefs.
Subject Leader: Ms N Aitken
Miss L McLuckie
Martha Quansah- Technician