Curriculum Newsletters

The aim of the Curriculum Newsletter is to outline what your child is studying in each of their subjects this half-term and to guide you to additional resources. All of the information for the year, plus further details of our curriculum can be found on the school website here.  

This newsletter has been designed in response to feedback we received in the Parent Survey last year where you said you would like to know more about what your child is studying at each point in the academic year. Following this, we consulted with parents at our Parents’ Forum regarding the design and hope that as a result you will find this a useful source of information. 

On the newsletter you will find the ‘headline’ topics for each subject and will have the option to click on specific areas to find out more. Within the webpage you will find details regarding the key knowledge and skills for the unit; literacy and numeracy links; how students will be assessed; enrichment opportunities and recommended wider reading. There are lots of opportunities for you to get involved as a family with signposts to activities outside of the classroom that you may wish to partake in. 


Summer Term 2 2024

Year 7 Summer Term 2

Year 8 Summer Term 2

Year 9 Summer Term 2

Year 10 Summer Term 2

Year 12 Summer Term 2


Summer Term 1 2024

Year 7 Summer Term 1

Year 8 Summer Term 1

Year 9 Summer Term 1

Year 10 Summer Term 1

Year 12 Summer Term 1

Spring Term 2 2024

Year 7 Spring Term 2

Year 8 Spring Term 2

Year 9 Spring Term 2

Year 10 Spring Term 2

Year 11 Spring Term 2

Year 12 Spring Term 2

Year 13 Spring Term 2

Spring Term 1 2024

Year 7 Spring Term 1

Year 8 Spring Term 1

Year 9 Spring Term 1

Year 10 Spring Term 1

Year 11 Spring Term 1

Year 12 Spring Term 1

Year 13 Spring Term 1

Autumn Term 2 2023

Year 7 Autumn Term 2

​Year 8 Autumn Term 2

​Year 9 Autumn Term 2

​Year 10 Autumn Term 2

​Year 11 Autumn Term 2

​Year 12 Autumn Term 2

​Year 13 Autumn Term 2

Autumn Term 1 2023

Year 7 Autumn Term 1

Year 8 Autumn Term 1

Year 9 Autumn Term 1

Year 10 Autumn Term 1

Year 11 Autumn Term 1

Year 12 Autumn Term 1

Year 13 Autumn Term 1