Careers Advice & Guidance for Parents, Carers & Students
Careers Guidance
At Waingels we have a dedicated, full time and impartial Careers Adviser to help our students to explore and make plans for their next steps. All students in Year 10 or Year 11 will have a 1:1 meeting with the Careers Adviser. They will be offered impartial advice and guidance on their next steps and helped with applications for sixth form, college and apprenticeships. Our aim is to ensure that our students are supported in achieving their aspirations and find courses that lead them to have fulfilling and successful careers and lives. Clear action plans are shared with students, and their tutors, so that they have continued support following their appointments.
All KS5 students are able to, and are encouraged to, request a 1-1 appointment with the Careers Adviser to discuss their post 18 plans.
Our Careers Adviser is also available to students, parents and carers at Parent Consultations for Year 9, 11, 12 and 13 and Sixth Form options evening as well as our GCSE and A Level result day and out Sixth Form enrolment day.
Heads of Year and tutors will also be able to recommend any students in other year groups that may benefit from seeing the careers adviser.
Younger year groups will also have groups sessions on options and thinking about their futures and the use of our careers platform, UNIFROG, is built into the curriculum for KS3, KS4 and KS5.
Careers Adviser: Bonnie Greenaway grebgr@waingels.wokingham.sch.uk
Unifrog Careers Platform
Unifrog is an online platform that supports students with their next steps, whether that is GCSE options, Sixth Form or college, apprenticeships, T Levels, university or beyond! It is a platform that will stay with students long after they have left Waingels and is constantly changing so offers up to date information. Alongside the careers information that the site provides, staff at Waingels will be setting tasks for students to complete, recording interactions that students have during their time with us and there is an opportunity for the students themselves to record things that they are proud of in their locker. All of which can be referred to when making future applications.
The site is quite easy to navigate – so feel free to have a look around with your child. Alternatively there are some launch videos (Key Stage specific) that you can watch below.
Business Links
We are delighted to have been selected as one of four local schools to share excellence and disseminate information across Wokingham Borough to improve outcomes for all local young people. For more information please see here.
Labour Market Information
We regularly review the local labour market information to ensure that we are supporting our students for the job market, both locally, and nationally. If you would like to find out more about our local context please go to: People | TVB Intelligence
Useful Links & Information
For information about apprenticeships and T Levels go to Amazing Apprenticeships
For regular updates on anything to do with careers subscribe to the CareerMag magazines here Careermag for Parents | Careermap
To get in touch with Waingels about Careers please email Careers@waingels.wokingham.sch.uk
To get involved with the Waingels KS2 and KS3 Careers Fair please email CareersFair@waingels.wokingham.sch.uk
If you have an enquiry relating to work experience please contact workexperience@waingels.wokingham.sch.uk