Sixth Form Admissions
The attainment criterion for admission into the Sixth Form is detailed in Waingels Sixth Form Prospectus which will be available online from November 2023.
Applications for Year 12 2023-24 are now closed.
In-year applications will only be accepted within 1 month of the start of the academic year. Applications may be made after this point and will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
Internal Students
Waingels welcomes applications from internal students who will have attended Year 11 during the 2022-2023 academic year. These students have priority over external students.
External Students
Applications from those not attending the school will be also be accepted. External students will be offered a place on the courses they wish to take, provided there are spaces available and they have met the specified academic requirements. When applicants can be offered a place at the school but a course they wish to pursue is full, they will be offered an alternative course.
Making an application
Those wishing to obtain a place in the school’s Sixth Form starting in Year 12 in September 2023 should complete the school’s Sixth Form Application form, which will be available from the school in November 2022. This form must be completed and returned by the deadline. Pupils in Year 11 already attending the school will be given a copy of the form. Meetings may be arranged with students and their parents to discuss the options open to the student and to help the student decide on the suitability of particular courses for them. Such meetings play no part in the allocation of places, which are determined solely by the application of the criteria below.
Late Applications
Applications received after the published deadline will be treated as a ‘late’ application and be considered after the on-time applications have been allocated. If there are exceptional circumstances i.e. the family has moved to the area after the closing date or the illness of a parent prevented them submitting an on-time application, the application may be treated as on time, provided it is received before the date parents are notified of places. In such instances, evidence will be required.
Criteria for Admission
All admissions are subject to meeting the Sixth Form and course specific criteria outlined in the prospectus. If there are insufficient spaces on any course for all those students who have expressed an interest and who have the appropriate qualifications then priority will be given, in the first instance, to looked after children and previously looked after children. Further places will be allocated based on rank order of grades achieved (highest to lowest). Applicants who are unsuccessful at obtaining places on a particular course will be offered a place on an alternative course. Offers of places to external students will be subject to the school confirming date of birth or right of abode by examination of the birth certificate and/or student’s passport, as appropriate. Overseas students will be required to provide evidence of their results translated by the NARIQ service. Out-of-age-group admissions will only be agreed where there is consensus that it is in the best interests of the child; the circumstances of each case will be considered individually. Such a consensus would be reached between the parents, schools concerned (the current school and Waingels) and any relevant professionals asked for their opinion on the case by Waingels.
Accepting or declining the offer of a place
Places are offered on the understanding that there is a commitment to meet the academic requirements of the school and the individual courses. Offer letters are distributed on GCSE Results Day. Parents must confirm acceptance of the offer on Results day. We do no reserve places. Parents are requested to advise the school at any stage if they are not accepting the place for any reason.
Anyone whose application is unsuccessful is entitled to appeal to an independent appeals panel. Information about this process can be obtained from the school.