Enrichment Week 2025
Enrichment Week: Tuesday 15th to Friday 18th July 2025
Years 7, 8, 9 and 12:
Monday 14th July – Normal school day
Tuesday 15th to Thursday 17th July
Years 7, 8 and 9 – Enrichment Week Activities and Trips
Year 12: Future Pathways Days
Friday 18th July – Sports Day
Year 10: Work Experience placements, from Monday 14th to Friday 18th July
Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 should review all of the activities on offer for their year-group in the Enrichment Week booklet with their parents/carers, which can be accessed here.
Parents/carers should then apply for the courses their child would like to participate in via the relevant online form, sharing preferences for as many options as possible. The links for each form, for each year-group, can be found below:
Application forms must be completed by Friday 28th February 2025. Student allocations to activities will be shared with parents/carers by 14th March 2025, with a view to finalise plans for each student by 21st March 2025. Any required financial contributions for trips and/or courses will be made in clear in the allocation letter, and all payments should be made via Parentpay by 2nd May 2025.
Year 9 Students- Duke of Edinburgh
Year 9 students that are working towards their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award will be expected to plan and attend one of the two expeditions running during Enrichment Week, as long as they have completed the required training and steps on eDofE.
- Expeditions will take place on either Mon & Tues or Wed & Thurs.
- Leaders – Mr Hamilton & Mr Bradford
- Contact DofE@Waingels.Wokingham.sch.uk with any questions
Provisional Timings for On-site Activities
Timings | |
Period 1 | 09:00am - 10:00am |
Period 2 | 10:00am - 11:00am |
Break | 11:00am - 11:20am |
Period 3 | 11:20am - 12:20pm |
Period 4 | 12:20pm - 01:20pm |
Lunch | 01:20pm - 02:00pm |
Period 5 | 02:00pm - 03:00pm |
Clothing and Equipment
- TRIPS: Students must wear full-school uniform unless otherwise stated on the specific trip letter.
- ON-SITE ACTIVITIES: Students may wear their own clothes, non-school uniform, but please make sure that they are appropriate for the activity each day.
- Water bottles, sun-cream/sun-hat or waterproof clothing- It is recommended that all students bring a refillable water bottle, as well as any weather-dependent clothing/resources.
- Canteen – This will be open as normal for lunch.
- Ice-cream - We have booked for the ice-cream van to come again; students are recommended to bring cash to reduce queuing.
Enrichment Week - Trips
Please check specific trip letters for details:
- Times
- Where to register
- Uniform/Equipment
- Water bottles & Lunch
- Check the weather - sun-cream/sun-hat or waterproof clothing.
- Estimated return time